Screen black all of a sudden

we are running info beamer standalone. After one day of uptime, while our customer surveyed the application, everything went black all of a sudden.

I have logged into the Raspberry and this is the log from readproctitle (set up following this guide)

readproctitleserviceerrors:.............................................................(LINE CUT FOR CLARITY)
supervise: fatal: unable to acquire info-beamer/supervise/lock: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to acquire ib-input/supervise/lock: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to acquire log/supervise/lock: file does not exist
python: no process found
Service start 


Device type is 2 and starting pos is 0,0

But I have two services running, and this last lines seems the log from the pyhton service that listens for touch events. How can I be sure to read logs of the infobeamer service?
I have setup two services in /etc/service. One info-beamer as per Florian doc, another service to start the event listener. Maybe the log gets overwritten?

Thank you,

Do your service directories look like this?


If so, daemontools, which I assume you use, will start both the top-level run executable and the log/run executable and pipe the stdout output of the former into stdin of the latter. It’s then the job of the latter for persist that log somewhere.

The log/run might look like this which forwards the log output to syslog (which then probably ends up in /var/log/syslog):

export SERVICE=$(basename $(dirname $PWD))
exec logger -t $SERVICE

For any log to actually end up there, the run executable must output to stdout. That’s why info-beamer on the hosted OS is started like this (slightly modified to fit in one line). Not the stderr to stdout redirection using 2>&1:

[..setting up env vars..]
exec nice -n -5 /info-beamer/info-beamer /space/root 2>&1

ehm… just one directory/service has the subdir log… And yes I use daemontools as per your tutorial. But the one that I think is missing the log is the less important service (the python script). Do you suggest using log also for this one?
now my dir layout is


I hope the crash happens again before showtime, so to be able to look at the log files. Busybox should put them in memory and i will be able to use logread or something like this I think.

Unless you intend to have a read-only FS, using normal syslog based logging might be more useful as the log is then persistent in /var/log/syslog on Raspbian (I think. At least that’s how it worked last time I checked).

On the hosted OS, logger logs to /dev/log which the busybox syslogd picks up and then logs into a circular memory buffer that is readable with logread. So a reboot wipes all logs. Unless you set that up on Raspbian as well, using logger should result in messages added to /var/log/syslog.

yes I have a read only FS, to be safe from power failures and subsequent FS corruption. Moreover presentation data don’t change.

I followed a tutorial on making my raspberry SD card full R/O and it had busybox installed. I know a reboot erases everything, but due to panic (!) I didn’t spend enough time investigating and just did reboot, silly me. I was just wondering if the service setup is correct for logging even with the mess I made.
Thanks anyway

If logging is setup up correctly, you should see new output being added by info-beamer at least every 10 seconds when running logread -f. Is that the case?

I will check tonight on a dev device (devices at the exhibition are a bit difficul to reach). I really hope so…

By the way, our render code is copied in structure from uour in touch Ui experiments.

function render()
   -- do some prep work
   while ui.loop()
      -- do main work, animations etc   

function node.render()

    gl.clear(0, 0, 0, 0)
    -- parse input params
    ui.input_state(input_state.down, input_state.x, input_state.y, input_state.hover_x, input_state.hover_y)


-- coroutine based continuous UI

local _run
    if not _run then
        _run = coroutine.wrap(entry)

function ui.loop()
    return true

if our node.lua produces an error (during the render function) because I don’t know, something unexpected happens, we make a call to a lua method on an uninitialized image (for example) or we access an array out of bounds, do you suggest encapsulating the call to in a pcall could return us errors so we can take approrpiate actions, for example start everything from the beginning?

For example. a code inside our render that does this wrong call to info beamer LUA API (like this for the sake of argument)

local img = resource.load_image("file.png")
local size = img:size() --throw error

will throw an error. Will it be “catched” by the pcall so we could at least go back to a known state?

I’m writing this because I am a bit afraid of users interacting for 3 full days with our touch signage and finding bugs we didn’t have time to test (overall dev was 2 weeks…)

coroutine.wrap creates a new coroutine and calls the passed function. In that case render. If that function causes an error, the coroutine enters the dead state and in case of an error _run() will also throw that error in the caller (see here).

Without testing this, something like

local ok, err = pcall(_run)
if not ok then
    _run = nil

should implement the “restart on error” logic.

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Hi Florian,
I’ve discovered it by myself. So my render code is like this now.

function node.render()

    gl.clear(0, 0, 0, 0)

    status, error = pcall(, render)
    if status == false then
        -- reset coroutine
        -- clean up cache
            -- do house chores (ensuring they don't in turn return errors)
        -- restart from beginning
        current_page = root_page

    ui.input_state(input_state.down, input_state.x, input_state.y, input_state.hover_x, input_state.hover_y)

I’ve testd by causing some exceptions and it seems to work as expected. Thank you for your guidance.

BTW on my reference machine, cloned from the ones in production, logread -f work as you foretold me! So it has the circular buffer of log messages (in memory) thrown by daemontools while running my service, and collected via busybox